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 Yang Jiasheng,He Yaowei,Liu Huasheng,et al.Prevention and control of 52 suspected COVID-19 patients and analysis of their clinical characteristics[J].,2020,(05):659-662.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2020.05.016]





Prevention and control of 52 suspected COVID-19 patients and analysis of their clinical characteristics
杨家盛1何耀为1刘华盛2龚金如1王 燕1林国辉1孙瑞琳1
510317 广州,广东省第二人民医院呼吸与危重症医学科1 510317 广州,广东省第二人民医院耳鼻喉头颈外科2
Yang Jiasheng1 He Yaowei1 Liu Huasheng2 Gong Jinru1 Wang Yan1 Lin Guohui1 Sun Ruilin1.
1Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine; 2Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Guangdong Second Provincial General Hospital, Guangzhou 510317, China
COVID-19 疑似病例 影像学 传染病防控
COVID-19 Suspected case Radiography Prevention and control of infectious diseases
目的 分析我院收治52例疑似新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)的流行病学及临床特点,探讨定点医院收治疑似病例的重要性。方法 回顾分析2020年1月31日至2020年2月15日广东省第二人民医院收治的52例疑似COVID-19病例的流行病学和临床表现、实验室检查和影像学检查特点,总结收治疑似病例的临床工作经验,以及疑似病例管理对传染病防控的重要作用。结果 52例患者中,男24例,女28例; 年龄范围为15~65岁,中位年龄为36.5岁。其中有疫区旅行史或居住史的占28.8%,有确诊病例接触史的占26.9%,有确诊区域发热或呼吸道症状患者接触史的占7.7%,无明确流行病学史的占34.6%。临床主要表现为发热39例(75.0%),咳嗽23例(44.2%)和乏力6例(11.5%)。血常规白细胞计数下降7例(13.5%),正常34例(65.4%),升高11例(21.2%); 淋巴细胞计数下降19例(36.5%),正常33例(63.5%)。CD3+ T淋巴细胞绝对值下降13例(28.9%); CD4+ T淋巴细胞绝对值下降15例(33.3%)。CD8+ T淋巴细胞绝对值下降12例(26.7%)。C反应蛋白(CRP)值升高30例(57.7%); 降钙素原(PCT)升高11例(21.1%)。44例行甲型流感、乙型流感、H7N9抗原检测,全阴性。22例行呼吸道13项常见病原体核酸检测,其中流感嗜血杆菌12例最多(54.5%)。影像学出现异常42例(80.8%),其中磨玻璃影29例(55.8%)、斑片影24例(46.2%),具有多重异常特征的16例(30.8%)。结论 疑似病例的收治对于疫情防控具有重要意义,其与确诊病例存在诸多相似之处,在收治的同时我们需要做好自身防护以及及时对其鉴别和诊治。
Objective To analyze the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 52 suspected novel coronavirus pneumonia(COVID-19)patients admitted to our hospital, and to explore the importance of treating suspected cases in designated hospitals. Methods A retrospective analysis of the epidemiological and clinical manifestations, laboratory tests, and radiological features of 52 suspected COVID-19 cases admitted to Guangdong Second Provincial General Hospital from January 31, 2020 to February 15, 2020, and summarized the treatment clinical work experience of suspected cases, and the important role of suspected case management in the prevention and control of infectious diseases. Results Among the 52 patients, there were 24 males and 28 females; the age range was 15 to 65 years, and the median age was 36.5 years. Among them, 28.8% had a history of travel or residence in the epidemic area, 26.9% had contact history of confirmed cases, 7.7% had contact history of patients with fever or respiratory symptoms in the confirmed area, and 34.6% had no clear epidemiological history. Clinical manifestations: 39 cases of fever(75.0%), 23 cases of cough(44.2%)and 6 cases of fatigue(11.5%). Blood routine white blood cells count decreased in 7 cases(13.5%), normal in 34 cases(65.4%), increased in 11 cases(21.2%); lymphocytes count decreased in 19 cases(36.5%), and normal in 33 cases(63.5%). The absolute value of CD3+ T lymphocytes decreased in 13 cases(28.9%); the absolute value of CD4+ T lymphocytes decreased in 15 cases(33.3%); the absolute value of CD8+ T lymphocytes decreased in 12 cases(26.7%). C-reactive protein(CRP)value increased in 30 cases(57.7%); procalcitonin(PCT)increased in 11 cases(21.1%). Forty-four cases were tested for influenza A, influenza B, and H7N9 antigens, all of which were negative. Twenty-two cases were tested for the nucleic acid of 13 common pathogens in the respiratory tract, among which 12 cases were Haemophilus influenzae(54.5%). Radiography showed 42 abnormalities(80.8%), including 29 ground-glass shadows(55.8%), 24 patchy shadows(46.2%), and 16 cases(30.8%)with multiple abnormal features. Conclusion The admission of suspected cases is of great significance for the prevention and control of the epidemic, and there are many similarities between them and confirmed cases. During the admission and treatment, we need to do a good job in our own protection and timely identification and diagnosis.


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通信作者: 孙瑞琳, Email: sunruilin213@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2020-10-20