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 Wang Zaiqiang,Li Lanyu,Fu Enqing,et al.PM2.5 aggravates lung inflammation by up-regulating granzyme B to promote IL-18 expression[J].,2021,(06):734-740.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2021.06.006]





PM2.5 aggravates lung inflammation by up-regulating granzyme B to promote IL-18 expression
王在强1李兰玉2傅恩清1韩璐瑶1林红卫1高彦军1张 倩1刘雨柔1金发光1
710038 西安,空军军医大学第二附属医院呼吸与危重症医学科1 200127 上海,上海交通大学附属仁济医院急诊科2
Wang Zaiqiang1 Li Lanyu2 Fu Enqing1 Han Luyao1 Lin Hongwei1 Gao Yanjun1 Zhang Qian1 Liu Yurou1 Jin Faguang1.
1Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical University, Xi'an 710038, China; 2Department of Emergency, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200127, China
颗粒物 颗粒酶类 肺部炎症
Particulate Matter Granzymes Pulmonary inflammation
目的 颗粒酶B促进组织炎症的作用日益引起重视,但其在PM2.5导致的肺部炎症中是否发挥作用还不清楚,本文对在PM2.5导致的肺部炎症中颗粒酶B的作用进行了研究。方法 第一步构建经气管滴注PM2.5混悬液诱导大鼠肺部炎症的动物模型,实验分组为PBS组、PM2.5(2 mg/kg)组、PM2.5(6 mg/kg)组、PM2.5(18 mg/kg)组。通过设置PM2.5滴注剂量梯度,检测不同PM2.5暴露剂量下大鼠肺组织颗粒酶B表达、病理和炎症评分,以探讨颗粒酶B表达水平与肺部炎症严重程度间有无相关性。第二步通过阻断颗粒酶B,探究在PM2.5导致的肺部炎症中颗粒酶B是否发挥促进作用。第三步通过阻断IL-18,探究在PM2.5导致的肺部炎症中颗粒酶B是否通过IL-18发挥作用。结果 随着PM2.5滴注剂量升高,肺组织颗粒酶B表达增加,肺组织病理切片炎症细胞浸润和肺水肿程度加重,炎症评分增加,PM2.5促进了肺组织颗粒酶B表达和肺部炎症; 阻断颗粒酶B抑制了IL-18表达和NF-κB磷酸化,改善了PM2.5导致的肺部炎症; 阻断IL-18抑制了NF-κB磷酸化,改善了PM2.5导致的肺部炎症。结论 PM2.5通过上调颗粒酶B促进IL-18表达加重肺部炎症,其机制可能与激活NF-κB信号通路有关。
Objective The role of granzyme B in promoting tissue inflammation has attracted increasing attention, but whether it plays a role in pulmonary inflammation caused by PM2.5 is still unclear. This study investigated the role of granzyme B in pulmonary inflammation caused by PM2.5. Methods In the first step, the animal model of rat lung inflammation induced by intratracheal instillation of PM2.5 suspension was established. The experiment was divided into PBS group, PM2.5(2 mg/kg)group, PM2.5(6 mg/kg)group and PM2.5(18 mg/kg)group. By setting the PM2.5 instillation dose gradient, we detected the expression of granzyme B, pathology and inflammation scores in rat lung tissues under different PM2.5 exposure doses to explore whether there is a correlation between the expression level of granzyme B and the severity of lung inflammation. In the second step, whether granzyme B plays a role in promoting pulmonary inflammation caused by PM2.5 was investigated by blocking granzyme B. In the third step, whether granzyme B acts through IL-18 in PM2.5-induced pulmonary inflammation was investigated by blocking IL-18. Results As the PM2.5 instillation dose increased, the expression of granzyme B in lung tissue increased, the degree of inflammatory cell infiltration and pulmonary edema, and the inflammation score in lung tissue pathological sections increased. PM2.5 increased granzyme B expression and inflammation in the lungs. Blocking granzyme B inhibited IL-18 expression and NF-κB phosphorylation, and reduced lung inflammation caused by PM2.5. Blocking IL-18 inhibited Phosphorylation of NF-κB and reduced lung inflammation caused by PM2.5. Conclusion PM2.5 aggravates lung inflammation by up-regulating granzyme B to promote IL-18 expression, and the mechanism may be related to the activation of NF-κB signaling pathway.


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基金项目: 陕西省重点研发计划(2017ZDL-SF-14-6)
通信作者: 金发光, Email: jinfag@fmmu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-12-20