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 Yang Li,Wang Ting,Ao Min,et al.Construction and clinical application of cloud platform for intelligent management of lung nodules and lung cancer[J].,2022,(01):11-14.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2022.01.003]





Construction and clinical application of cloud platform for intelligent management of lung nodules and lung cancer
400016 重庆,重庆医科大学附属第一医院呼吸与危重症医学科1 401120 重庆,自由呼吸(重庆)科技有限公司2
Yang Li1 Wang Ting1 Ao Min1 Li Weiyi1 Liu Xun2 Qin Ming2 Guo Shuliang1.
1Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, China; 2Breathfree(Chongqing)Technology Company, Chongqing 400000, China
肺结节 支气管肺癌 人工智能 全程管理 数据云平台
Pulmonary nodules Bronchogenic carcinoma Intelligent Comprehensive management Data Cloud Platform
目的 我国肺癌患病率、病死率稳居恶性肿瘤第一位。创建肺结节与肺癌全程管理模式,将肺结节纳入规范诊疗体系,以期实现肺癌早诊早治,提高患者复诊依从性。方法 构建肺结节与肺癌全程智能管理云平台,建立恶性肺结节队列、良性肺结节队列和未确诊肺结节规律随访队列。收集人口统计学、影像、病理、疗效等信息,通过全程管理后分析人群特征、诊治精准性与复诊率。结果 创建了基于重庆市肺结节管理工作室的肺结节与肺癌全程智能管理云平台。2019年1月至2021年12月期间,纳入全程管理的肺结节与肺癌患者共5 144例,确诊肺结节1 546例(30.05%),其中恶性1 194例,良性352例; Ia期肺癌占确诊肺癌的(80.80%); 随访中肺结节3 598例(69.95%)。2019年进入平台登记管理后未确诊的肺结节,有≥1次复诊记录的患者652例(74.86%); 2020年667例(65.67%); 2021年245例(13.94%)。结论 建立肺结节与肺癌全程智能管理云平台有利于提高恶性肺结节早诊早治率与患者依从性,促进患者自我健康管理模式养成,改善肺癌预后,值得尝试。
Objective Lung cancer is the most common cause of death with malignant tumor in China. The whole-process management mode of lung nodules and lung cancer was established, and lung nodules were included in the standardized diagnosis and treatment system, aim to improve the rate of early diagnosis and treatment for lung cancer, compliance of patients with following up. Methods A cloud platform for the whole-process intelligent management of pulmonary nodules and lung cancer was constructed. Malignant pulmonary nodules, benign pulmonary nodules and undiagnosed pulmonary nodules queues were established. Demographic, imaging, pathological, curative effect and other information were collected, and population characteristics, diagnosis and treatment accuracy and return visit rate were analyzed after the whole process of management. Results A cloud platform for whole-process intelligent management of pulmonary nodules and lung cancer was established based on Chongqing Pulmonary Nodules Management Studio. From January 2019 to December 2021, a total of 5 144 patients with pulmonary nodules and lung cancer were included in the whole-course management. 1 546 patients(30.05%)were confirmed including 1 194 malignant cases and 352 benign cases. Lung cancer with Stage Ia was accounted for 80.80%. 3 598 patients(69.95%)with lung nodules in follow up. Among undiagnosed pulmonary nodules after entering the platform registration management in 2019, the proportion of patients with ≥1 following-up was 74.86%. 667 patients(65.67%)in 2020. 245 patients(13.94%)in 2021.Conclusion The establishment of the cloud platform for the whole-process intelligent management of pulmonary nodules and lung cancer is beneficial to improve the rate of early diagnosis and treatment of malignant pulmonary nodules and patient compliance, promote the development of self-health management mode of patients and the prognosis of lung cancer, which is worthy of further promotion.


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基金项目: 重庆市科学技术局技术创新与应用发展专项面上项目(cstc2019jscx-msxmX0184)
通信作者: 郭述良, Email: guosl999@sina.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-02-20