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 Zhang Tingxiu,Wang Qin,Ma Lijie,et al.Analysis of the complications of ultrasound-guided percutaneous lung biopsy[J].,2022,(01):24-28.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2022.01.006]





Analysis of the complications of ultrasound-guided percutaneous lung biopsy
610083 成都,西部战区总医院呼吸内科
Zhang Tingxiu Wang Qin Ma Lijie Xiao Zhenliang.
Department of Respiratory Diseases, The General Hospital of Western Theater Command, Chengdu, 610083, China
超声引导下经皮肺穿刺活检术 并发症 影响因素
Ultrasound-guided percutaneous lung biopsy Complication Factors
目的 分析超声引导下经皮肺穿刺活检术术后并发症的相关影响因素。方法 收集2015年1月至2017年12月于西部战区总医院住院并在超声引导下行经皮肺穿刺活检术的205例患者临床资料,分析205例患者穿刺术后病理结果及并发症发生率,探讨超声引导下经皮肺穿刺活检术术后并发症的相关影响因素。结果 205例患者行超声引导下经皮肺穿刺活检术,术后并发出血8例,占3.9%(8/205),术后发热3例,占1.46%(3/205),为低热,且予以对症治疗后均恢复正常,无严重并发症发生。术后出血的发生率在不同性别、年龄、BMI及病灶类型的患者中无显著差异(P>0.05),且吸烟对患者术后出血率也无显著影响(P>0.05); 但有基础疾病的患者其术后出血率更高(P=0.005),且病灶直径越小,术后越容易并发出血(P=0.006)。不同性别、年龄及病灶类型对术后发热的发生率无显著影响(P>0.05),且术后发热与吸烟史及基础疾病史无关(P>0.05),但BMI≥24或3 cm ≤病灶直径(d)<6 cm的患者术后更易发热(P<0.05)。结论 超声引导下经皮肺穿刺活检术术后并发症发生率低(约为5.37%),主要为出血及低热,其中术后出血主要与基础疾病史和病灶直径有关,术后发热主要与病灶直径及BMI有关。
Objective To investigate the related factors leading to postoperative complications of ultrasound-guided percutaneous lung biopsy. Methods The retrospective study reviewed clinical data of 205 patients who were hospitalized in the General Hospital of Western Theater Command and underwent ultrasound-guided percutaneous biopsy of lung lesions from January 2015 to December 2017. The pathological feature and complication rate of 205 patients after ultrasound-guided percutaneous lung biopsy were analyzed, furthermore, the study also analyzed the related factors which may lead to postoperative complications of ultrasound-guided percutaneous lung biopsy. Results All 205 patients were underwent ultrasound-guided percutaneous biopsy of lung lesions, and the data revealed that the complications occurred in 11 patients, including 8 cases of hemorrhage which accounted for 3.9%(8/205), 3 cases of fever which presented as low-grade fever, accounting for1.46%(3/205), beyond that, all patients returned to normal without serious complications after symptomatic treatment. Furthermore, analyzing the related factors leading to bleeding, it was found that there was no significant difference in the rate of bleeding among patients with different gender, age, BMI and lesion types(P>0.05), and the history of smoking also had no significant effect on the rate of bleeding(P>0.05). However, the higher rate of bleeding is more likely to happen to patients with a history of disease(P=0.005)and a smaller diameter of the lesion(P=0.006). In addition, the related factors of fever were statistically analyzed, and the results showed that the gender, age and lesion types had no significant influence on the rate of fever(P>0.05). And the rate of fever has nothing to do with the history of smoking or diseases(P>0.05), but the higher rate of fever is more likely to happen to patients with BMI≥24 or the diameter of the lesion bwtween 3 cm and 6 cm(P<0.05). Conclusion The incidence of postoperative complications of ultrasound-guided percutaneous lung biopsy is low(about 5.37%), and the complications mainly including hemorrhage and low-grade fever, furthermore, the bleeding was mainly related to the history of diseases and the diameter of lesion, while the rate of low-grade fever was mainly related to the diameter of lesion and BMI.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金青年项目(81800088)
通信作者: 马李杰, Email: mljp321@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-02-20