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[1]刘 莉,张 宁,王科文,等.Gen-XpertMTB/RIF和荧光PCR熔解曲线法在耐药结核病快速诊断中的意义[J].中华肺部疾病杂志,2022,(02):161-165.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2022.02.005]
 Liu Li,Zhang Ning,Wang Kewen,et al.Application of Gen-XpertMTB/RIF and fluorescence PCR melting curve method in rapid diagnosis of drug-resistant tuberculosis[J].,2022,(02):161-165.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2022.02.005]





Application of Gen-XpertMTB/RIF and fluorescence PCR melting curve method in rapid diagnosis of drug-resistant tuberculosis
刘 莉1张 宁1王科文2姚 莎1杨康丽1马纪龙2
710100 西安,陕西省结核病防治院1 721006 宝鸡,联勤保障部队第九八七医院结核科2
Liu Li1 Zhang Ning1 Wang Kewen2 Yao Sha1 Yang Kangli1 Ma Jilong2.
1The Tuberculosis Prevention and Care Hospital in Shanxi Province, Xi'an 710100, China; 2Department of Lung, the 987 Hospital of People's Liberation Army Joint Support Force, Baoji 721006, China
耐药肺结核 荧光 PCR 溶解曲线法 Gen-XpertMTB/RIF 表型药敏 成本效果比 快速诊断
Drug-resistant tuberculosis Fluorescence PCR dissolution curve Gen-XpertMTB/RIF Phenotypic drug sensitivity Cost-effectiveness ratio Rapid diagnosis
目的 Gen-XpertMTB/RIF和荧光 PCR 熔解曲线法(MeltPro)在耐药结核病快速诊断中的意义。方法 选取2019年1月至12月陕西省结核病防治院收治的TB患者850例,均行表型药敏和Gen-XpertMTB/RIF检测,对Gen-XpertMTB/RIF检测阳性样本中利福平(RFP)耐药患者行MeltPro。以药敏法为金标准,分析Gen-XpertMTB/RIF对TB患者RFP耐药的诊断价值、成本效果比(C/E)和检测时间; 分析Gen-XpertMTB/RIF联合MeltPro对耐多药(MDR)和准广泛耐药(Pre-XDR)的诊断价值、C/E和检测时间。结果 Gen-XpertMTB/RIF对TB患者RFP耐药的诊断准确率为94.59%(804/850)。Gen-XpertMTB/RIF和药敏法对TB初治和复治患者RFP耐药的诊断一致性均较好。Gen-XpertMTB/RIF联合MeltPro诊断TB患者MDR的准确率为98.71%(839/850),且和药敏法对TB初治和复治患者MDR的诊断一致性均较好。Gen-XpertMTB/RIF诊断RFP耐药的C/E和诊断时间均低于药敏法。Gen-XpertMTB/RIF联合MeltPro诊断MDR、Pre-XDR的C/E高于药敏法,诊断时间低于药敏法。结论 Gen-XpertMTB/RIF应用于TB患者RFP耐药检测,Gen-XpertMTB/RIF联合MeltPro应用于TB患者MDR、Pre-XDR检测,与药敏法诊断一致性均较高,且能够明显缩短检测时间,为诊断和治疗耐药肺结核赢得时间,减少耐药结核菌的传播,降低耐药结核病的发生率。
Objective To analyze the application of Gen-XpertMTB/RIF and fluorescence PCR melting curve method in rapid diagnosis of drug-resistant tuberculosis were analyzed. Methods All of 850 TB patients admitted to Shaanxi Provincial Tuberculosis Prevention and Treatment Hospital from January to December 2019 were included, and were tested for phenotypic drug sensitivity and Gen-XpertMTB/RIF. Fluorescent PCR dissolution curve method was performed on rifampicin(RFP)-resistant patients in Gen-XpertMTB/RIF positive samples. Using the drug susceptibility method as the gold standard, the diagnostic value, cost-effectiveness ratio(C/E)and testing time of Gen-XpertMTB/RIF for TB patients'RFP resistance were analyzed; the diagnostic value, C/E and testing time of Gen-XpertMTB/RIF combined with fluorescent PCR melting curve method for multi-drug resistance(MDR)and pre-extensive drug resistance(Pre-XDR)were analyzed. Results The diagnostic accuracy of Gen-XpertMTB/RIF for RFP resistance in TB patients was 94.59%(804/850). Gen-XpertMTB/RIF and drug susceptibility method had good consistency in the diagnosis of RFP resistance in TB initial treatment and retreatment patients. The accuracy of Gen-XpertMTB/RIF combined with fluorescent PCR dissolution curve to diagnose MDR in TB patients was 98.71%(839/850), and the consistency of the diagnosis of MDR in TB patients with initial treatment and retreatment with the drug susceptibility method was good. The C/E and diagnosis time of Gen-XpertMTB/RIF for the diagnosis of RFP resistance were lower than that of the drug susceptibility method. The C/E of Gen-XpertMTB/RIF combined with MeltPro in the diagnosis of MDR and Pre-XDR was higher than that of drug sensitivity method, and the diagnosis time was lower than that of drug sensitivity method. Conclusion Gen-XpertMTB/RIF used in the detection of RFP resistance in TB patients, and the Gen-XpertMTB/RIF combined with fluorescent PCR melting curve method used in the detection of MDR and Pre-XDR in TB patients, both have high consistency with the drug sensitivity method and can significantly shorten the detection time, buy time for clinicians to diagnose and treat drug-resistant tuberculosis, thereby helping to reduce the spread of drug-resistant tuberculosis and the incidence of drug-resistant tuberculosis.


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基金项目: 陕西省卫生健康科研基金项目(2018D046) 通信作者: 马纪龙, Email: 457134303@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-04-20