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 Shao Shifeng,Wu Zhengbin,Duan Chaoxia,et al.Establishment of a model of severe primary lung blast injury in goats at high altitude[J].,2022,(05):637-642.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2022.05.005]





Establishment of a model of severe primary lung blast injury in goats at high altitude
邵世锋1伍正彬1段朝霞2张良潮2王耀丽1李 琦3王建民2
400042 重庆,陆军军医大学大坪医院战创伤医学中心,创伤、烧伤与复合伤国家重点实验1 400042 重庆,武器杀伤生物效应评估研究室,陆军特色医学中心2 400037 重庆,陆军(第三)军医大学第二附属医院呼吸与危重症医学中心3
Shao Shifeng1 Wu Zhengbin1 Duan Chaoxia2 Zhang Liangchao2 Wang Yaoli1 Li Qi3 Wang Jianmin2.
1Wound trauma medical Center, State Key Laboratory of Trauma, Burn and Combined Injury, Army Medical University, Chongqing 400042, China; 2Department of Weapon Injury Bioeffect Assessment, Army Medical University, Chongqing 400042, China; 3Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Center, Xinqiao Hospital, Army Medical University, Chongqing 400037, China
高原肺冲击伤 山羊 动物模型 新型爆炸物
Blast injury of lung at high altitude Goat Animal model New explosive
目的 建立山羊在海拔4 600 m高原环境下的重度原发性肺冲击伤模型,分析高原重度原发性肺冲击伤的特点,为院前救治提供实验基础。方法 选取健康山羊28只,随机分为3 m组22只,3.5 m组6只,采用8 kg TNT当量新型爆炸物,在相同的环境条件下致伤,观察致伤后山羊肺冲击伤伤情,分别于伤前、伤后1 h、24 h监测山羊生命体征、肌钙蛋白Ⅰ,观察肺大体解剖,测肺组织重量、湿/干比重(W/D)等,对重伤山羊进行院前ABC救治。结果 伤后t≤15 min死亡12只,伤后15 min<t≤30 min死亡4只,其余12只存活。伤后即刻出现呼吸窘迫、精神萎靡、寒战、口眼鼻出血、呛咳、呃逆、站立不稳等。两组山羊肺大体解剖有不同程度肺泡破裂、肺出血、肺水肿、胸腔积血、肺大泡、气道内粉红色泡沫痰,为重度原发性肺冲击伤,AIS评分(4.83±0.87)分,部分肺内可见主支气管及分支气管血凝块、大量食糜。高原重度原发性肺冲击伤肺损伤严重,高原现场环境恶劣、复杂,常规院前气道管理及呼吸功能维持方案难以成功救治。结论 8 kg TNT当量爆炸物在3 m、3.5 m下,可建立山羊高原重度原发性肺冲击伤模型,模型伤情稳定,用于探索高原环境下原发性肺冲击伤的机制和院前救治的实验研究。
Objective To establish the model of severe primary lung blast injury in goats at an altitude of 4600 meters, and to provide experimental basis for the study of the characteristics and pre-hospital treatment of severe primary lung blast injury at high altitude. Methods Twenty-eight healthy goats were randomly divided into two groups, 3 m group(n=22)and 3.5 m group(n=6). The lungs of goats were injured under the same environmental conditions with 8 kg TNT equivalent new explosives. The vital signs, troponin I, gross anatomy of lung, lung tissue weight and wet / dry specific gravity were observed before injury and 1 h, 24 h after injury. The seriously injured goats were treated with pre-hospital ABC. Results 12 goats died within 15 minutes(including 15 minutes)after injury, survived more than 15 minutes after injury, but 4 goats died within 30 minutes(including 30 minutes), and the other 12 goats survived. According to the observation of the characteristics of severe primary lung blast injury, persistent respiratory distress, deep malaise, shivering, mouth, eye and nose bleeding, cough, hiccup and unstable standing appeared immediately after injury. The gross anatomy of the lungs of the two groups showed different degrees of pulmonary hemorrhage, pulmonary edema, pleural hemorrhage, pulmonary vesicles and pink foamed sputum in the airway, which were severe blast injury. The AIS score was 4.83 ±0.87. blood clots and a large amount of chyme could be seen in the main bronchus and branch trachea in part of the lungs. The lung injury of severe primary lung blast injury at high altitude is serious, and the on-site environment at high altitude is bad and complex, so it is difficult to treat the routine pre-hospital airway management and respiratory function maintenance program. Conclusion The model of severe primary lung blast injury in goats at high altitude can be established by 8 kg TNT equivalent explosive at a distance of 3m and 3.5m. This model is stable and can be used to study the mechanism and pre-hospital treatment of primary lung blast injury at high altitude.


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基金项目: 高原新型爆炸武器伤特点及早期救治关键技术(ALJ18J001)
通信作者: 王耀丽, Email: wangylchen2005@aliyun.com
伍正彬, Email: 659926416@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-10-20