|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]蒋 丽,王晓慧,李维益,等.创新智能健康教育与随访管理对肺结节患者焦虑的影响随机对照研究[J].中华肺部疾病杂志,2023,(04):485-489.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2023.04.007 ]
 Jiang Li,Wang Xiaohui,Li Weiyi,et al.Influence of innovative intelligent health education and follow-up management on anxiety of patients with pulmonary nodules: a randomized control trial[J].,2023,(04):485-489.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2023.04.007 ]





Influence of innovative intelligent health education and follow-up management on anxiety of patients with pulmonary nodules: a randomized control trial
蒋 丽王晓慧李维益苟双芸丁 敏杨 丽
400042 重庆,重庆医科大学附属第一医院呼吸与危重症医学科
Jiang Li Wang Xiaohui Li Weiyi Gou Shuangyun Ding Min Yang Li.
Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400042, China.
健康教育 随访 肺结节 焦虑 随机对照研究
Health education Pulmonary nodules Follow-up management Anxiety Randomized control trial
目的 通过随机对照研究分析智能健康教育与随访管理对肺结节患者焦虑的影响。方法 选择2019年1月至2020年8月我院呼吸与危重症医学科肺结节专病门诊就诊后加入肺结节与肺癌智能管理云平台未确诊的肺结节患者进行焦虑评估。收集患者人口统计学资料,采用汉密尔顿焦虑量表(Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, HAMA)用于评估患者焦虑症状。剔除基线调查时无焦虑患者,最终纳入582例可能焦虑或明确焦虑的肺结节患者作为研究对象。患者加入全程管理时分为智能健康教育与随访管理为观察组291例和人工随访管理为对照组291例,进行个体化的疾病科普宣教。加入全程管理3个月后再次进行焦虑评估。结果 两组患者加入肺结节与肺癌全程管理时人口统计学资料、HAMA评分等无显著性差异。加入全程管理3月后智能健康教育与随访管理组HAMA评分(6.88±2.4)显著低于人工随访管理组HAMA评分(9.06±3.41)(P=0.001)。结论 智能健康教育与随访管理能有效缓解未确诊肺结节人群的焦虑状态,值得临床应用。
Objective To analyze the impact of intelligent health education and follow-up management on anxiety in patients with pulmonary nodules through a randomized control trial. Methods Anxiety assessment was conducted on patients with undiagnosed pulmonary nodules who visited the Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Department's outpatient clinic for pulmonary nodules at the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University between January 1, 2019, and August 31, 2020, and subsequently joined the Pulmonary Nodules and Lung Cancer Intelligent Management Cloud Platform. Patient demographic data were collected, and the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale(HAMA)was used to evaluate the severity of anxiety symptoms. After excluding patients without anxiety at baseline, 582 patients with possible or definite anxiety were included in the study. At the time of enrollment, patients were assigned to the intelligent health education and follow-up management group(n=291)or the manual follow-up management group(n=291)for individualized disease-related education. Anxiety assessments were repeated three months after joining the comprehensive management. Results There were no significant differences in demographic data or HAMA scores between the two groups at the time of enrollment in the Pulmonary Nodules and Lung Cancer Comprehensive Management. Three months after joining the comprehensive management, the HAMA score in the intelligent health education and follow-up management group(6.88±2.4)was significantly lower than that in the manual follow-up management group(9.06±3.41)(P=0.001). Conclusion Intelligent health education and follow-up management can effectively alleviate the anxiety of undiagnosed pulmonary nodule patients, and it is worth further promotion and application.


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基金项目: 重庆市科卫联合项目(2020FYYX109) 重庆市中青年高端医学人才项目(20202czzx2108/2020GDRC029) 国家癌症中心,国家抗肿瘤药物临床应用监测网2021年度肿瘤规范化诊疗中青年研究基金项目(DSS-YSF2022-10) 重庆医科大学未来医学青年创新团队项目(W0102)
通信作者: 杨 丽, Email: 204534@hospital.cqmu.edu.cn

更新日期/Last Update: 2023-08-20