|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]顾 兴,张庭秀,胡 绳,等.胸苷激酶1在肺癌性胸腔积液及结核性胸膜炎中的表达[J].中华肺部疾病杂志,2023,(06):789-792.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2023.06.009]
 Gu Xing,Zhang Tingxiu,Hu Sheng,et al.Expression of thymidine kinase 1 in patients with lung cancer pleural effusion and tuberculous pleurisy[J].,2023,(06):789-792.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2023.06.009]





Expression of thymidine kinase 1 in patients with lung cancer pleural effusion and tuberculous pleurisy
顾 兴1张庭秀2胡 绳2马李杰2肖贞良2
710038 西安,西安市胸科医院呼吸与危重症医学科1
610083 成都,西部战区总医院呼吸与危重症医学科2
Gu Xing1 Zhang Tingxiu2 Hu Sheng2 Ma Lijie2 Xiao Zhenliang2.
1Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Xi'an Chest Hospital, 710038, Xi'an, China; 2 Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Western War Zone General Hospital, Chengdu 610083, China
胸苷激酶1 结核性胸膜炎 支气管肺癌 胸腔积液
Thymidine kinase 1 Tuberculous pleurisy Bronchogenic carcinoma Pleural effusion
目的 分析肺癌性胸腔积液(lung cancer pleural effusion)及结核性胸膜炎(tuberculous pleurisy)血清中胸苷激酶1(thymidine kinase 1, TK1)的表达。方法 选择西部战区总医院及西安市胸科医院2018年12月至2022年12月收治的354例单侧胸腔积液患者为对象,依据出院诊断分为结核性胸膜炎患者161例,肺癌性胸腔积液患者193例。对比分析不同人群及原发疾病血清中TK1的表达。结果 结核性胸膜炎患者平均年龄大于肺癌性胸腔积液患者(61.77±12.31 vs. 44.39±19.03)岁; TK1年龄<30岁患者中表达量最高(4.54±4.04)pmol/L,不同性别、种族及>30岁中表达差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),结核性胸膜炎患者TK1的表达高于肺癌性胸腔积液患者(3.89±3.52 vs. 2.92±3.44)pmol/L(P=0.009); TK1不同病理类型肺癌中表达差异无统计学意义(P=0.169)。结论 TK1在肺部疾病所致胸腔积液中具有表达,表达量与性别、种族无关,年轻患者中呈现高表达,结核性胸膜炎患者中TK1表达量高于肺癌性胸腔积液。
Objective To explore the expression of thymidine kinase 1(TK1)in patients with lung cancer pleural effusion and tuberculous pleurisy. Methods The clinical data of 354 patients with unilateral pleural effusion caused by lung cancer and tuberculous pleurisy were retrospectively collected. There were 161 cases were diagnosed with tuberculous pleurisy and 193 cases with lung cancer pleural effusion. The expression of TK1 in serum of patients with different diseases was compared and analyzed. Results The average age of patients in tuberculous pleurisy group was higher than that of the malignant pleural effusion group(61.77±12.31 vs. 44.39±19.03). The expression level of TK1 is the highest in patients younger than 30 years old and there was no significant difference in patients older(4.54±4.04)pmol/L than 30 years, furthermore, the same results were observed among different genders and ethnicities. Although the expression of TK1 in patients with different pathological types of lung cancer had no significant difference(P=0.169), the expression of TK1 in tuberculous pleurisy is higher than lung cancer pleural effusion group(3.89±3.52 vs. 2.92±3.44)pmol/L(P=0.009). Conclusion There is a definite expression of TK1 in patients with pleural effusion caused by lung disease and the expression quantity has nothing to do with gender and race, but the higher expression in young patients was observed, and the expression of TK1 in tuberculous pleurisy is higher than lung cancer pleural effusion group. Its specificity in distinguishing the etiology of benign and malignant pleural effusion needs further study.


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基金项目: 西安市科技计划项目(2022JH-XKNL-0008)
通信作者: 张庭秀, Email: 2712636971@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-12-20