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 Lazhou Cuomao,Shan Chunling,Li Guorong,et al.Pathological types and clinical characteristics of IPF-LC patients in Xining[J].,2024,(01):25-29.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2024.01.005]





Pathological types and clinical characteristics of IPF-LC patients in Xining
拉周措毛山春玲李国蓉华 毛
西宁 81000,青海大学附属医院呼吸与危重医学科
Lazhou Cuomao Shan Chunling Li Guorong Hua Mao.
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University, Xining 810000, China
青海西宁地区 特发性肺纤维化 支气管肺癌 病理类型 临床特征
Qinghai province Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Lung cancer Pathological type Clinical characteristics
目的 分析特发性肺纤维化合并肺癌(idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis-lung cancer, IPF-LC)患者的病理类型及临床特征,IPF-LC的保护及危险因素。 方法 选择2014年11月至2022年10月我院收治的IPF患者190例,根据患者是否合并肺癌,分为单纯IPF组144例,IPF-LC组46例。收集两组临床资料、血气分析、影像学检查、血沉(erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR)、C反应蛋白(C reactive protein, CRP)水平。结果 单纯IPF组144例中,男95例(65.97%),女49例(34.03%),平均年龄(58.10±11.57)岁; IPF-LC组46例中,男41例(89.13%),女5例(10.87%),平均年龄(63.91±10.12)岁,两组性别和年龄比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。单纯IPF组平均吸烟指数250年支,IPF-LC组平均吸烟指数700年支,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05); 单纯IPF组与IPF-LC组比较,咯血、胸痛、体重下降及杵状指差异有统计学意义(P<0.05); IPF-LC组中结节团块影分布上叶13例(28.26%)、下叶24例(52.17%)、外周37例(80.43%)。两组动脉血氧分压(alveolar oxygen partial pressure, PaO2)、CRP、ESR水平具有统计学差异(P<0.05); PaO2降低是IPF患者合并LC的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论 65岁以上吸烟指数高的男性IPF患者易合并LC; IPF-LC组较单纯IPF组易出现杵状指、咯血、胸痛、体重下降; IPF-LC组CRP、ESR水平高于单纯IPF组,提示慢性炎症介质在IPF-LC的发病过程中发挥作用。IPF-LC的影像学检查发现肿块常发生于纤维化明显区域,肺外周及下叶多见; PaO2是IPF-LC的保护因素。
Objective To analyze the pathological types and clinical characteristics of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis-lung cancer(IPF-LC)patients, the protection and risk factors of IPF-LC. Methods From November 2014 to October 2022, 190 IPF patients admitted to our hospital were divided into simple IPF group(n=144)and IPF-LC group(n=46)according to whether the patients were complicated with lung cancer. The clinical data, blood gas analysis, imaging examination, erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR)and C reactive protein(CRP)levels of the two groups were collected. Results Among the 144 cases in the simple IPF group, there were 95 males(65.97%)and 49 females(34.03), with an average age of(58.10±11.57)years; among the 46 cases in the IPF-LC group, there were 41 males(89.13%)and 5 females(10.87%), with an average age of(63.91±10.12)years, with a statistically significant difference in gender and age between the two groups(P<0.05). The average smoking index of the simple IPF group was 250 years, and the average smoking index of the IPF-LC group was 700 years, with a statistically significant difference(P<0.05); there were statistically significant differences in hemoptysis, chest pain, weight loss and clubbing between the simple IPF group and the IPF-LC group(P<0.05); in the IPF-LC group, there were 13 cases(28.26%)of nodular mass shadows in the upper lobe, 24 cases(52.17%)in the lower lobe, and 37 cases(80.43%)in the periphery. There were statistically significant differences in arterial oxygen partial pressure(PaO2), CRP and ESR levels between the two groups(P<0.05); decreased PaO2 was a risk factor for IPF patients with LC(P<0.05). Conclusion Male IPF patients over 65 years old with high smoking index are more likely to be complicated with LC; The IPF-LC group is more likely to have clubbing, hemoptysis, chest pain, and weight loss than the IPF group alone; the levels of CRP and ESR in the IPF-LC group are higher than those in the IPF group alone, suggesting that chronic inflammatory mediators play a role in the pathogenesis of IPF-LC; the imaging examination of IPF-LC shows that the masses often occur in the area of obvious fibrosis, peripheral lung and lower lobe; PaO2 is a protective factor for IPF-LC.


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基金项目: 青海省卫生健康委重点项目(2020-wjzd-04)
通信作者:拉周措毛, Email: 1490672417@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-02-20