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[1]王 婷,余 江.1 820例罕见病的临床特征分析[J].中华肺部疾病杂志,2024,(01):68-72.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2024.01.013]
 Wang Ting,Yu Jiang..Clinical characteristics analysis of 1 820 rare diseases[J].,2024,(01):68-72.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2024.01.013]

1 820例罕见病的临床特征分析(PDF)




Clinical characteristics analysis of 1 820 rare diseases
王 婷余 江
400037 重庆,陆军(第三)军医大学第二附属医院门诊部
Wang Ting Yu Jiang.
Department of Outpatient, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Army Medical University, Chongqing 400037, China
罕见病 流行病学 临床特征 预后
Rare disease Epidemiology Clinical characteristics Prognosis
目的 分析罕见病(rare diseases)患者的临床流行分布特征。方法 选择2019年1月至2021年12月我院收治1 820例罕见病住院患者为对象。结果 1 820罕见病住院患者为同期我院收治住院患者总例数360 348例的0.51%。1 820例罕见病患者中,男1 136例,女684例,罕见病住院患者病例数男女性别比为1.41︰1; 不同年龄段病例数分布依次为青壮年例数>中老年例数>少年例数>儿童例数; 涉及21个疾病系统分类中的10个分类,其中神经系统疾病患者最多为1 149例(63.13%); 共覆盖10种罕见病例为1 202例(66.04%),依次是同型半胱氨酸血症598例(49.75%),视神经脊髓炎谱系疾病139例(11.56%),自身免疫性脑炎117例(9.73%),多系统萎缩84例(6.99%),Castleman病79例(6.57%),黑斑息肉综合征44例(3.66%),心室肌致密化不全43例(3.58%),脊髓小脑性共济失调38例(3.16%),系统性硬化症31例(2.58%),马凡氏综合征29例(2.41%); 随访和预后结果,罕见病总体随访1405例(77.20%),其中,同型半胱氨酸血症的随访为524例(87.63%),有效率为475例(90.64%)。结论 罕见病患病年龄跨度大、疾病类型多样、疗效和预后的差异较大。
Objective To analyze the clinical prevalence distribution characteristics of patients with rare diseases. Methods The medical records of 1 820 cases of Rare disease hospitalized in our hospital from 2019 to 2021 were selected for descriptive epidemiological research. Results The 1 820 rare disease inpatients accounted for 0.51% of the total 360 348 inpatients admitted to our hospital during the same period. Among 1 820 patients with rare diseases, 1 136 were males and 684 were females. The sex ratio of hospitalized patients with rare diseases was 1.41︰1; The distribution of cases in different age groups was as follows: young adults > middle-aged and elderly > adolescents > children; Ten of the 21 disease system classifications were involved, among which the largest number of patients with neurological diseases was 1 149(63.13%); a total of 1 202 cases(66.04%)were covered by the 10 types of rare cases, in the following order: homocysteinemia, 598(49.75%); optic neuromyelitis optica, 139(11.56%); autoimmune encephalitis, 117(9.73%); and multiple system atrophy, 84 cases(9.73%), multiple system atrophy in 84 cases(6.99%), Castleman's disease in 79 cases(6.57%), dark spot polyp syndrome in 44 cases(3.66%), ventricular myocardial densification insufficiency in 43 cases(3.58%), spinal cerebellar ataxia in 38 cases(3.16%), systemic sclerosis in 31 cases(2.58%), and Marfan syndrome in 29 cases(2.41%); Follow-up and prognostic results, overall follow-up of rare diseases was 1 405 cases(77.20%), of which 524 cases(87.63%)were followed up for homocysteinemia, with an effective rate of 475 cases(90.64%). Conclusion Rare diseases are characterized by a wide age range of prevalence, diverse types of disease, and wide variation in efficacy and prognosis.


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基金项目: 重庆市科卫联合项目(2023MSXM105)
通信作者:余 江, Email: 541270057@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-02-20