|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]蔡玉琳,牛 丹,马 丹,等.不同CT重建算法对人工智能肺结节诊断的意义[J].中华肺部疾病杂志,2024,(06):931-935.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2024.06.014

 Cai Yulin,Niu Dan,Ma Dan,et al.Significance of different CT reconstruction algorithms in the diagnosis of pulmonary nodules with artificial intelligence[J].,2024,(06):931-935.[doi:10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6902.2024.06.014





Significance of different CT reconstruction algorithms in the diagnosis of pulmonary nodules with artificial intelligence
蔡玉琳牛 丹马 丹王 爽
400037 重庆,陆军(第三)军医大学第二附属医院放射科
Cai Yulin Niu Dan Ma Dan Wang Shuang.
Department of Radiology,The Second Affiliated Hospital of Army Medical University, Chongqing 400037, China
肺结节 高分辨CT 重建算法 人工智能
Pulmonary nodules High resolution CT Reconstruction algorithm Artificial intelligence
目的 分析不同CT重建算法对人工智能(artificial intelligence, AI)辅助肺结节识别效能的影响。方法 选取2022年12月至2023年4月我院行肺部高分辨CT(high resolution CT, HRCT)扫描的患者200例为对象,采用肺高分辨算法(lung high-resolution algorithm, Lung)和标准算法(standard algorithm, Stnd)两种算法进行层厚为0.625 mm的薄层重建。将两种重建算法得到的原始数据传送至AI辅助诊断软件进行肺结节自动检测,纪录结节的密度、大小。根据结节大小将实性结节分为<5 mm、≥5 mm,亚实性结节分为<8 mm、≥8 mm,统计两种重建算法下AI识别结节的真阳数和假阳数,计算AI对肺结节识别的敏感度。比较两种重建算法下AI软件识别肺结节效能是否有差异。结果 实性结节<5 mm结节996个,Lung算法下真阳数697个(敏感度69.98%),Stnd算法下真阳数817个(敏感度82.03%); ≥5 mm结节74个,Lung算法下真阳数47个(敏感度63.51%),Stnd算法下真阳数67个(敏感度90.54%)。亚实性结节<8 mm 结节358个,Lung算法下真阳数230个(敏感度64.25%),Stnd算法下真阳数340个(敏感度94.97%); ≥8 mm 结节35个,Lung算法下真阳数35个(敏感度100.00%),Stnd算法下真阳数34个(敏感度97.14%)。在Stnd算法下AI识别2组不同大小的实性结节(<5 mm和≥5 mm)敏感度高于Lung算法。对亚实性结节的识别,结节<8 mm时Stnd算法敏感度高于Lung算法(P<0.05),≥8 mm时两种算法之间无差异(P>0.05)。结论 不同CT重建算法条件下AI辅助肺结节识别效能存在差异,对于肺实性结节的识别应用Stnd重建算法敏感度优于Lung算法。对于肺亚实性结节的识别,结节<8 mm运用Stnd算法敏感度高于Lung算法,但假阳性高,≥8 mm两种算法无差异性有高的敏感度。
Objective To analyze the effects of different CT reconstruction algorithms on the effectiveness of artificial intelligence(AI)-assisted pulmonary nodules identification. Methods A total of 200 patients who underwent lung high resolution CT examination in our hospital from December 2022 to April 2023 were selected and reconstructed with a thin layer thickness of 0.625 mm using lung high-resolution algorithm(Lung)and standard algorithm(Stnd). The raw data obtained by the two reconstruction algorithms were transmitted to the AI-assisted diagnostic software for automatic detection of pulmonary nodules, and the density and size of the nodules were recorded respectively. According to the size of the nodules, the solid nodules were divided into <5 mm and ≥5 mm. The subsolid nodules were divided into <8 mm and ≥8 mm. The true positive and false positive numbers of nodule identification by AI in each group under the two reconstruction algorithms are separately recorded, and the sensitivity of AI for the identification of pulmonary nodules was calculated. To compare whether there is a difference in the efficiency of AI software in identifying pulmonary nodules under the two reconstruction algorithms. Results There were 996 solid nodules <5 mm, the true positive numbers and sensitivity were 697(69.98%)under Lung algorithm and 817(82.03%)under Stnd algorithm. There were 74 nodules ≥5 mm, the true positive numbers and sensitivity were 47(63.51%)under Lung algorithm and 67(90.54%)under Stnd algorithm. There were 358 subsolid nodules <8 mm, the true positive numbers and sensitivity were 230(64.25%)under Lung algorithm and 340(94.97%)under Stnd algorithm. There were 35 nodules ≥8 mm, the true positive numbers and sensitivity were 35(100.00%)under Lung algorithm and 34(97.14%)under Stnd algorithm. The sensitivity of AI to identify 2 groups of solid nodules of different sizes(<5 mm and ≥ 5 mm)under Stnd algorithm was higher than that of Lung algorithm. The sensitivity of the Stnd algorithm was higher than that of the Lung algorithm for the identification of subsolid nodules <8 mm(P<0.05), and there was no difference between the two algorithms for the identification of nodules ≥ 8 mm(P>0.05). Conclusion There are differences in the identification efficiency of AI-assisted pulmonary nodules under different CT reconstruction algorithms. The sensitivity of Stnd reconstruction algorithm is better than Lung algorithm for the recognition of solid pulmonary nodules. For the identification of subsolid pulmonary nodules, the sensitivity of Stnd algorithm for nodules <8 mm is higher than that of Lung algorithm, but the false positives are higher. There is no difference between the two algorithms for nodules ≥8 mm and both have higher sensitivity.


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通信作者: 王 爽, Email: fskwangs@tmmu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-12-25